
24 Game Reviews

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This is some really good stuff. This brings you back to a real school play but it as nicely written. Look at the action. And the fact you're going in for one line. I like how it's not just you trials, tricycles, storytelling, pressure, and something unique. It's also hard. This is why there's pros like you to tell everyone this story.

This one is definitely a lot harder to absorb than your other submission, but alas I played it in knp, I played it in TGF2, I played it here. I thought it was impossible so I tried again and again. Obviously it plays the fastest in tgf2 newgrounds edition, but it is also playable and "beatable?" here as well.

I'm at a tossup here but it's possibly the best Castlevania fan game I've ever played and perhaps better than any of the ps2 Castlevania games combined. Again the learning curve is tough and the lag at least on this netbook is hefty in the flash version, but jump shoot a few walls and you'll have your projectiles shooting towards the targets..

Also there is more than one boss everyone, try moving the other direction once you enter. That might be a factor in the low rating slightly. Like entering the castle and going LEFT perhaps? you can sword down, but if anything just play this game to see the VERY nicely scripted ghost dancers and the hilarious throne room. Dear John the throne room is awesome. Uhh, then it sadly abrupts after that.

So broken? in some ways maybe. Slow swords? Yes, but Nathan Graves could only dream about such an attack without having to play with his card collection. and Dear I say it perhaps overpowered. Be privileged he took the time to convert this to TGF2 Flash for your enjoyment. I know I am because I might have missed out on the opportunity myself.

TheBlueberryHill responds:

Thank you, bcunderscore. You have the true Castlevanians' soul, and perhaps the Clickteamians' true soul as well! I tihnk this must have been the last Castlvania adventure because of the overpower of the sword: Dracula is impossible to revive ha ha.

I had some good fun with this one. It was a little laggy for me but that's because I'm running on a netbook. Kinda reminds me of the old gorillas quick basic game. Great sprites.

Well, looks like the concept was lost to a lot of people. I would say to me as well but I find myself drawn into this adventure. Obviously the sound is supposed to draw you off, otherwise it wouldn't be called Rapture Raptor. You're expecting chaos, not the Strawberry Shortcake theme. Second of all, the raptor is saving people from various scenarios... One looking like a soccer field.. That's how much he cares, and how much the author cares for you. So hate all you want, but when the Raptor comes is he gonna save your life? Who knows? He is a very caring being so you should be too!

Ghettoflower @ghettoflower

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